Greetings in the Lord! I haven’t been posting for a while because of a teaching trip in another country. It was a fruitful and blessed one. As people from different places gathered and studied the gospels, it was especially meaningful and … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2015
Scripture: Ephesians 4:20-27 It takes some efforts for the word of God to have effects in our lives. In addition to meditating on it and memorizing at least some part of it so that our lives can be transformed … Continue reading
Scripture: Ephesians 4:20-25 As believers in Christ, we have new lives, but from time to time all of us need to be reminded to live up to the new lives. To put off the old self, to be made new in the … Continue reading
Scripture: Ephesians 4:17-24 As people who have received spiritual blessings from God (1:3-14), we are called to live our lives worthy of his calling (4:1). As members of the Church, we learn to maintain unity so all believers may be rooted … Continue reading
Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-16 A lot have been said about the maturity of believers and of the church. In 4:12 we have the threefold purposes of the church: to equip the saints, to do the work of ministry, and to build up … Continue reading
Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-16 Different people seem to have different images of Christian maturity, so it is important to look at what the Bible says about it. It is also important to realize that this particular passage is talking about corporate … Continue reading
So we have the unity of the Spirit; we make every effort to keep the unity through the bond of peace; we understand the spiritual basis of unity; and realizing the gift of Christ, we all serve with diverse roles … Continue reading
Scripture: Ephesians 4:7-13 Believers are given the unity of the Spirit (4:3) and are expected to make every effort to keep it as there is a strong basis for unity (4:4-6). But unity is not to be maintained just for … Continue reading
Dear Readers, Greetings in the Lord! I am currently updating and re-organizing my materials for the class in April. Despite being busy, I can see in my mind a group of people, who love the Lord and who have given … Continue reading
Scripture: Ephesians 4:4-6 Immediately after explaining the spiritual blessings from God (chapters 1 to 3), Paul urges believers to live a life worthy of God’s calling. He starts with a call to keep unity and to live a harmonious life … Continue reading