If you like what you have seen so far, please consider following/subscribing to my blog. Doing so will also support my ministry/serving.
I am involved in a teaching ministry in another country (for some special reason, I cannot talk more about this ministry in public). In order to teach, one has to read a lot. While I have a reasonably big collection of bible study resources (over 3500 titles in electronic form plus hundreds of printed books), and I make good use of inter-library loans, I still have to, or hope to, keep up to date with readings.
And reading can be costly.
You subscribing / following will allow me to join some book review program offered by Christian publishers. While I do not know for sure if it is a good program because I have not joined them, I think it is worth considering. Most publishers require their participants to have an active blog with a certain number of followers / subscribers.
So your subscription will support me in getting more books and will indirectly support the teaching, evangelism and other ministries in another country.
You can choose to receive notifications through facebook, tweeter, or emails (just pick one of them from the side bar). If you want to wait a little longer before making your decision, that is fine too, but please consider supporting this way.
Thank you for your partnership in the ministry for the kingdom of God!
Appended May 2020: As of today, I am no longer involved in any book review program, but your email subscription would still help indirectly in letting others know about this site in additional to being an encouragement for me. Thank you!
Keep going!
God Bless…